Creation of an integration workshop
Published on 06 July 2021
For the second time, ALiS is partnering with ACCÉS, a social and solidarity economy actor.
The will of the association ACCÉS is to develop a new service offer in the Bernay employment area to meet the needs of the territory:
- to create a step of remobilization of the public very far from the employment and of discovery of trades which are accessible to them. This step is a first step towards active inclusion.
- to design and implement, with potential employers and the actors of inclusion and training, innovative and relevant "individual and collective support programs", adapted to both the needs and capacities of the people who will be the beneficiaries and which will allow to respond to local employment and recruitment issues, in particular in the agricultural sector where the tensions in this area are high.
- to contribute to respond to different societal needs of the rural territory in which the project is situated: ageing, low attractiveness, isolation of people, weakening of social links and solidarity, lack of initiatives, projects and jobs, etc.
This project of creation of a Workshop for Integration by ACCÉS was made possible by the acquisition on July 28, 2020 of an old Norman farm, located in a privileged rural area at the gates of the city of Bernay and to the institutional, technical and associative partnership dynamics gathered around this new project. This site, which includes 4 residential buildings, stables, farm buildings, a cider press, an orchard, etc., offers a great deal of modularity and, consequently, numerous perspectives in terms of use.
ALiS is proud to support the creation of this project!

Creation of an integration workshop
Published on 06 July 2021