Comprised of 235,000 hectares that are situated in both Lower Normandy and the Loire Valley Region, Normandy-Maine Regional Natural Park is one of the 44 French rural territories classified as "Regional Natural Park". The wide diversity of its landscapes - the hills of Normandy and Maine, moors, forests and woods, flowering hedged farmland, apple and pear orchards, rivers sometimes turbulent - gives home to a great variety of wildlife and plants makes it of great interest to tourists and environmentalists. A large network of marked paths and bridleways invite you to discover its wonders. The cultural heritage of the Park is no less rich: chateaus and manors, religious monuments, many examples of ancestral traditions and skills (hemp and flax growing, skills in weaving and lace making, cider production, etc.) will lead you from one discovery to the next.The Normandy-Maine Regional Natural Park Centre, located in Carrouges, provides you with all the necessary information to make your stay a memorable one.
The Normandy-Maine Regional Natural Park includes the "Domfrontais" (Domfront region), made famous for its "Poiré". The "Norman Champagne", as certain people call it, is in fact a pear cider which is an ideal accompaniment for the enjoyment of pancakes or black pudding. It can be found at the Park information centre at Carrouges or in the "Domfrontais".