Travel Safely

What to do if your vehicle breaks down

To indicate that your vehicle has broken down, use the network of emergency breakdown telephones that will allow the services to immediately identify your location.
If you are unable to leave your vehicle, (e.g. handicapped driver alone in the vehicle), call 112.

Don’t forget, your security depends mainly on you controlling your speed...

Location of fixed speed cameras on the Rouen / Alençon A28

In the Alençon-Rouen direction:
• Saint-Gervais-du-Perron, on the right, speed: 90 km/h, flash: vehicle rear.
• Aclou, before the La Risle viaduct, on the right, speed: 90km/h, flash: vehicle rear.

In the Rouen / Alençon direction: 
• Bosrobert, before the Le Bec viaduct, on the right, speed: 90 km/h, flash: vehicle rear.
• Gacé: Speed limit of 110 km/h for coaches and buses (class 3) and 90 km/h for HGVs (class 4), and normal national speed limit for class 1, 2 and vehicles 5.
• Neauphe-sous-Essai, on the right, speed: 130km/h, flash: vehicle rear.

 ... and your sobriety.

Alcohol is the first cause of accidents on roads in France! A reminder: the legal maximum amount whilst driving is 0.5g alcohol/litre of blood.

Take a break!

Drowsiness whilst driving is the number 1 cause of accidents on the motorway! Yawning? Heavy eyelids? Drowsiness creeps up on you! Stop and rest for 20 minutes.
Don't forget that a break of 10 to 15 minutes every 2 hours is indispensable in order to continue your journey in safety.
Did you know? 17 hours being activity awake is equivalent to 0.5 g of alcohol in the bloodstream!

Safety equipment in vehicles

Road safety legislation requires each driver to have a reflective jacket in the passenger compartment of their vehicle. ALiS recommends that each passenger should also have one, ready to be worn in the case of needing to leave the broken down vehicle and to wait behind the crash barriers.
However, you should not use the red warning triangles on the motorway. This piece of equipment is not adapted to this type of network. It may put you and other drivers in danger.

 Road Safety

Find all useful information on the site “Tous responsables ” of the French government

Road Safety - "Tous responsables"